Tuesday 31 March 2015

Girl Guide Winter Fun in New Brunswick!

Even when the temperatures drop, Girl Guides still have fun in the great outdoors. Although Maritimers always say every year that “this winter has been the worst one yet”, this winter really has been one of the worst. 

Most provinces have at least 5 feet of snow, and in some places 10 feet. But that doesn’t stop Girl Guides from having fun. This winter we’ve seen girls and guiders brave the elements to keep the guiding spirit of adventure alive all year long. Whether it’s snow shoeing, hiking, sliding, or setting up tents, there’s lots to do in the winter. Some units like to do more low key activities like spray painting art in the snow and building snowmen, but it seems that no matter the weather, Girl Guides still have a blast.

Here we have the 16th Saint John Pathfinder and Rangers. The Rangers built quinzees in the snow, and slept in them. The Pathfinders attempted to set up tents in the snow and succeeded! Apparently the girls also had a contest where they made snow shoes out of sticks. Hopefully they’ll get to go snow shoeing with real ones soon.

Here we have the 1st Hampton Pathfinders who went hiking with snow shoes on to the Ice Caves in Midland NB. It looks like the girls were having lots of fun sliding down all that ice.

The 5th Fredericton Brownies at Winter Camp went snow shoeing in the woods, and had lots of fun making quinzees. Looks like these Brownies had a great time at their winter camp!

- submitted by Beth & Ariel (New Brunswick/PEI Twinning2020 co-leads) 

Sunday 1 March 2015

Atlantic Canada World Thinking Day Celebrations!

Atlantic Canada has been busy this past World Thinking Day. Not only have the girls taken time out of their busy schedules to honour Lord and Lady Baden Powell, but they have also tried new games and recipes as well. The girls were given the opportunity to try new foods from St. Vincent and the Grenadines including the calypso drink and the coconut roll. Further, many units also tried out the shared World Thinking Day activities. The “Make the Shape” activity seemed to be quite popular and enjoyed by all! Check out some of the fun we have documented below:

Culture Sharing Activities

The 2nd Timberlea Brownies give thumbs up (or thumbs down) to Calypso drink. Some thought it was a little sour (must have been the grapefruit juice)!  (submitted by L.Smith, 2nd Timberlea Brownies)

Harvest Trail Area Commissioner, Darlene Banks, takes Coconut roll from the oven. It was "a little overcooked" but the girls loved it!  Girls from the Harvest Area also made seashell crafts, the calypso drink and of course they played the 1 and 20 game. They learned about the history of Twinning as well as about St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Guiding there. All the girls in attendance enjoyed the activities! (Submitted by M.L Johnson/1st Aylesford Guides)

Activities from the #Shareit Twinning Activity Guide for Thinking Day 2015

The 1st Long Pond Sparks play the “Make the Shape” game. The girls learned the importance of working together to achieve great success! The girls cannot wait to play this game again (Submitted by C. Haines, 1st Long Pond Sparks). 

We hope everyone had a great World Thinking Day 2015!

Carrisa Haines (NL) and Janice Noble (NS) - Twinning2020 Ranger Co-leads